Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lou Alen's Grave held together by Ricky White and Phil Green

Ryo Green Family Cemetery, about 30 unmarked graves. Pictured are Ricky White, Phil Green, And Phils Daughter Beth.

Phil Green & Jill Foster White

Lou Alen Green

I know I have not written in a while but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy researching! I am proud to write that I finally found my GGG Grandfathers burial site. It is indeed in Ryo, off of the same “easement” I have been trying to get down in at least two years (or at least it seems that way!) Last Sunday May 15th, 2010, thanks to Phil Green and his brilliant research, we were able to gain access to the land that Lou Alen Green (that is what his tombstone reads) is buried on. The land is up for sale by the paper company that owns it, some 600 acres and 200 acres (each with separate parcels).
When we came upon the site, I just had this overwhelming feeling of peace. It is so peaceful there. Lou Alen’s grave is broken in half. There are about 25, if not more, rocks that serve as markers, in the same area. We had heard from past relatives (Charles Green) that there were markers back there but they had been stolen (in the 1970’s.) There is also a dug up grave that Phil informed me had been that way when he first visited the site in the 1970’s. That part of it was heart breaking… someone can steal grave markers and dig a person up.
On a lighter note….our plan is to clear the site, while we have access. It is a mess, to put it lightly. Thinking about fencing it in and having a new marker made for Lou Alen. Also going to pour a concrete slab and put a military market in it.
There is a hunting club that the paper leases out the land to, it costs $350 per year to join, that way whoever joins does not have to have someone present from the hunting club in order to take us back to the site.