Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stripling Cemetery, Lou Allen Green's Grave & Jerusalem Baptist Church

Pictures of Jerusalem Church in Pickens County GA. We have several relatives buried here. Beautiful area.

Elias Devers Neal and Millie Frances Green Neal

Thought I would tell this story. I am always on the hunt for cemeteries I have not searched and new locations our ancestors frequented. I found two cemeteries that I had not been to, in a book and on-line, so I figured on our last trip to Gordon County we would venture off and try and find these cemeteries. No such luck. But it was truly an adventure trying to find them. The Findley, Franklin, Striplin Cemetery is in Fairmount, GA. The directions were landmarks, not roads. We spent about two hours trying to find the "log cabin" and the barn, which the cemetery is behind, with no luck. We asked a few people to no avail. So we set off the find Lou Allen Green's grave. He is one of our Confederate Soldiers and is buried on land that the Paper Company now owns, somewhere near, Ryo Church. We looked down two logging roads and never found him. I have since been in touch with another family researcher, not from our line, but lives in Adairsville. I asked him for some tips and I will try a new area next time I am up there. I am determined and will eventually find him!
We did find Jerusalem, GA. Not really a town, just a church. I have some great photos of that cemetery that I will post later. Some of the Neal's are buried there. Such a beautiful area up there, I understand why our ancestors were drawn to this area.

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